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Manual for Open vSwitch 2.6 on Hyper-V?

asked 2017-01-10 11:40:07 +0200

mario-sommer gravatar image

I'm looking for a manual to integrate OVS 2.6.1 into my Openstack enviroment, but I can only find blog posts for 2.4 and 2.5. Is there no difference between 2.5 and 2.6?

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answered 2017-01-10 12:51:35 +0200

aserdean gravatar image


We are planning to release a full blog post on how to setup and what is new in 2.6. We plan to add also a video on how to set up OpenStack with OVS on Hyper-V.

Regarding the setup that you need for 2.6(if you plan on installing it at the moment), it is mostly the same as described in the 2.5 blog post, but with a few changes. Here are few changes that you will need:

  • Get-VMSwitchExtension -VMSwitchName vSwitch -Name "Open vSwitch Extension"


  • Get-VMSwitchExtension -VMSwitchName vSwitch -Name "Cloudbase Open vSwitch Extension"


  • Enable-VMSwitchExtension -VMSwitchName vSwitch -Name "Open vSwitch Extension"


  • Enable-VMSwitchExtension -VMSwitchName vSwitch -Name "Cloudbase Open vSwitch Extension"

and for the neutronovsagent.conf (for OpenStack deployment above Mitaka) you will need the following lines:

of_interface = ovs-ofctl
ovsdb_interface = vsctl

We added an experimental OVN under the installer, bug fixes, support for conntracking actions was added, GENEVE support was added, etc. Feel free to ask any questions.



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Asked: 2017-01-10 11:40:07 +0200

Seen: 431 times

Last updated: Jan 10 '17