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Extending volumes on Windows 2016 does not work with volumes over 93GB?

asked 2017-02-09 16:39:05 +0300

tomaben gravatar image


I have an issue with extending volumes with cloudbase-init on Win2k16 when volumes are over 93GB.

  • If I create on Win2k16 volume with 94GB or more, automatic disk resize not working.
  • If I create onstrong text Win2k16 volume with 93GB or less everything is ok.

Is there any limitations in volume size in ExtendVolumesPlugin?

  • 93GB -> 99857989632 byte - OK

  • 94GB -> 100931731456 byte - don't work

Here is the output from cloudbase-init.log with volumes 93GB

2017-02-09 12:47:29.239 2984 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'ExtendVolumesPlugin' 2017-02-09 12:47:29.239 2984 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2017-02-09 12:47:29.255 2984 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2017-02-09 12:47:42.602 2984 INFO [-] Extending partition "1" to 99855892480 bytes strong text

Here is the output from cloudbase-init.log with volumes 94GB

2017-02-09 12:51:00.949 2940 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'ExtendVolumesPlugin' 2017-02-09 12:51:00.949 2940 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2017-02-09 12:51:00.964 2940 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2017-02-09 12:51:14.021 2940 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.init [-] Plugin 'UserDataPlugin' execution already done, skipping execplugin c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\ 2017-02-09 12:51:14.030 2940 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.init [-] Plugin 'SetUserPasswordPlugin' execution already done, skipping execplugin c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\ 2017-02-09 12:51:14.037 2940 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.init [-] Plugin 'ConfigWinRMListenerPlugin' execution already done, skipping execplugin c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\ 2017-02-09 12:51:14.045 2940 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.init [-] Plugin 'ConfigWinRMCertificateAuthPlugin' execution already done, skipping execplugin c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\ 2017-02-09 12:51:14.052 2940 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.init [-] Plugin 'LocalScriptsPlugin' execution already done, skipping execplugin c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\ 2017-02-09 12:51:14.060 2940 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Plugins execution done 2017-02-09 12:51:14.068 2940 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Stopping Cloudbase-Init service 2017-02-09 12:51:17.077 2940 DEBUG [-] Stopping service cloudbase-init stop_service c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\osutils\

Best Regards,


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3 answers

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answered 2017-02-09 18:49:13 +0300

avladu gravatar image

updated 2017-02-10 04:42:17 +0300


I have yet to reproduce the error in our environments. We have recently replaced the storage api used for windows 10 / windows server 2016 and it's s already available in the latest code and nightly build installer. Using the nightly build will fix this issue you have.

Thank you, Adrian Vladu

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Hi, I have downloaded nightly build installer and tested. Extending volumes over 93GB now working. Thank you. Benjamin

tomaben gravatar imagetomaben ( 2017-02-10 09:46:41 +0300 )edit

answered 2017-02-09 18:11:56 +0300

tomaben gravatar image

Thank's for very fast support.

It's working.

You are great!

Best Regards,


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answered 2017-02-09 16:46:58 +0300

alexpilotti gravatar image

Hi, thanks for reporting this issue. While we investigate, can you please apply this one line change and run cloudbase-init again?

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Asked: 2017-02-09 16:39:05 +0300

Seen: 1,064 times

Last updated: Feb 10 '17