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how to increase the rdp speed

asked 2014-12-13 08:33:30 +0300

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When i RDP to the Windows host using cloudbase web browser it very slow if i click on any icon it take time on come up and perform the action .

Please let me know how i increase the speed .

(duplicate question)

When i RDP to the Windows host using cloudbase web browser it very slow if i click on any icon it take time on come up and perform the action .

Please let me know how i increase the speed .

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2 answers

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answered 2019-01-08 19:54:53 +0300

updated 2019-01-31 21:39:00 +0300

You're right Belu. We at, Black Cultural Events in New York City experienced slow speeds in the past that effected our performance. The problem resolved itself when we upgraded to the latest stable version.

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answered 2016-11-11 23:03:07 +0300

Claudiu Belu gravatar image


FreeRDP's / FreeRDP-WebConnect's performance has increased in the meanwhile. Download the latest stable version and try it out.

Best regards,

Claudiu Belu

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Asked: 2014-12-13 08:33:30 +0300

Seen: 756 times

Last updated: Jan 31 '19