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No ports have port_id starting with Network Adapter

asked 2017-05-22 21:17:08 +0200

awestin1 gravatar image

updated 2017-05-22 23:48:03 +0200

I have installed OpenStack Hyper-V Compute Ocata msi installer from Cloudbase and have successfully attached the compute node to the OpenStack controller and I am using the hypervneutronagent on the target compute node.

When I attempt to launch an instance OpenStack begins building the VM on my compute node but then the build fails with the following error in Horizon:

Error: Failed to perform requested operation on instance "testinstance-vfjdiow84392", the instance has an error status: Please try again later [Error: Binding failed for port b28593fa-646d-409d-98ca-ebde69cacb04, please check neutron logs for more information.].

Looking through the neutron logs on the controller, I am seeing the following error:

No ports have port_id starting with Network Adapter

I'm not sure I understand what this means. Any ideas?


I'm also seeing the following on the hypervneutronagent log when the agent starts:

2017-05-22 16:18:13.388 2160 INFO hyperv.neutron.l2_agent [req-1c98cd35-de4a-4c89-976e-230668df5e4c - - - - -] Agent initialized successfully, now running... 
2017-05-22 16:19:57.907 2160 INFO hyperv.neutron.hyperv_neutron_agent [-] Hyper-V VM vNIC added: Network Adapter
2017-05-22 16:19:59.688 2160 INFO hyperv.neutron.hyperv_neutron_agent [req-1c98cd35-de4a-4c89-976e-230668df5e4c - - - - -] Adding port Network Adapter

I didn't notice this before as this only logs during agent start and I thought Network Adapter was just a generic term, not a specific name that the agent was looking for. I never gave the config a string "Network Adapter" as far as I know. So, I'm not sure where the agent is getting "Network Adapter" from...

When stopping the hypervneutronagent, I see the following:

2017-05-22 15:11:36.931 704 INFO hyperv.neutron.hyperv_neutron_agent [-] Hyper-V VM vNIC removed: Network Adapter
2017-05-22 15:11:36.931 704 INFO hyperv.neutron.hyperv_neutron_agent [-] Hyper-V VM vNIC removed: None
2017-05-22 15:11:36.931 704 INFO hyperv.neutron.hyperv_neutron_agent [-] Hyper-V VM vNIC removed: None
2017-05-22 15:11:36.931 704 INFO hyperv.neutron.hyperv_neutron_agent [-] Hyper-V VM vNIC removed: None
2017-05-22 15:11:36.931 704 INFO hyperv.neutron.hyperv_neutron_agent [-] Hyper-V VM vNIC removed: None
2017-05-22 15:11:37.799 704 INFO neutron.agent.securitygroups_rpc [-] Remove device filter for [u'Network Adapter']
2017-05-22 15:11:37.799 704 INFO neutron.agent.securitygroups_rpc [-] Remove device filter for [None]

Anyone know where this "Network Adapter" string is comping from? I double-checked the nova.conf and neutronhypervagent.conf on the compute node and I'm seeing no string "Network Adapter." None of my Hyper-V VMswitches are named "Network Adapter" and none of my physical interfaces are names "Network Adapter"...

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answered 2017-08-18 18:11:47 +0200

lpetrut gravatar image

The Hyper-V Neutron agent will try to bind any VM port that comes up. High chance is that you have some instances that were not created by Nova or some ports that you've manually added, thus the generic 'Network Adapter' port name. Nova will set the VM port names according to the Neutron port ids

So, you can ignore that error for now as it's unrelated to the actual issue. Judging by your Horizon error message, you should should look for log messages containing the port id that you care about, "b28593fa-646d-409d-98ca-ebde69cacb04" in this case. It may be worth setting the log level to "debug".

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Asked: 2017-05-22 21:17:08 +0200

Seen: 1,753 times

Last updated: Aug 18 '17