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FreeRDP doesn't work saying "This instance seems not to be working. Try to enter the console again."

asked 2017-08-11 15:27:11 +0300

vmatviiv gravatar image

I configured Openstack for using with Minimal Hyper-V Core Server. Finally I managed to make everything work almost perfectly except FreeRDP console. The problem I don't even know how to debug this software, where to find its logs etc.

I get below error while trying to open the console in Horizon. ERROR: This instance seems not to be working. Try to enter the console again. The problem is that instance is running,pingable and when I connect to Hyper-V server by RDP and run powershell command "Get-VMConsole instance-00000013" I get the console and everything works fine.

My Hyper-V side Cloudbase software configs could be seen from below links:

--neutron agent config--

--nova config--

-- freerdp config--

Hope you have some quick answer how to debug a fix the problem.

ENVIRONMENT is like below: I installed 2 servers:

1) Centos 7 with Openstack all-in-one. - office network for server access. - Management network connected to Hyper-V

2) Hyper-V Core server. - office network for server access. - Management network - Virtual Switch for VMs' connections to external public network.

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2 answers

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answered 2017-08-22 20:40:02 +0300

alexpilotti gravatar image

Keystone V3 is already supported: We will release a new stable version soon which will include this feature as well.

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Hi , I am using the new FreeRDP but I can not connect to pike using keystone v3 . Is there any different configuration that is necessary to be done

Saulo Silva gravatar imageSaulo Silva ( 2018-02-12 22:30:37 +0300 )edit

answered 2017-08-22 15:55:25 +0300

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We've figured out by our own what the problem was.
The problems was our Openstack cloud had only keystone v.3 enable and we didn't manage to make FreeRDP work with v3 keystone version.
Unfortunately we didn't manage to make FreeRDP work with keystone v.3 version or just didn't find latest version of FreeRDP-Webconnect which could work with keystone v3 version either. As result we just enable keystone v2 for our Openstack Mitaka installation like below:
...and HTML5 console started working fine.

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Asked: 2017-08-11 15:27:11 +0300

Seen: 1,142 times

Last updated: Aug 22 '17