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Hyper-V Compute Neutron

asked 2015-02-06 06:42:29 +0200

chandra gravatar image

Is it possible to configure the Hyper-V Compute to use a single interface for both management and VM communication with the current Juno build of Compute?

Could you please provide me with a sample configuration with which this can be configured with Openvswitch in Windows.

Thanks Chandra

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answered 2015-02-09 19:43:24 +0200

Claudiu Belu gravatar image

Hello Chandra,

Yes, it is possible to use a single interface for both Management and VM Communication. You can do that from the Hyper-V Manager > Virtual Switch Manager. You can either create a new external vswitch and make sure you check the optionAllow management operating system to share this network adapte or just check that option on an already existing external vswitch.

Alternatively, you can just create a new external vswitch from scratch:

Get-NetAdapter | fl InterfaceDescription
New-VMSwitch -Name vswitch_name -SwitchType External -AllowManagementOS $true -NetAdapterName "your_NIC_interface_description"

Best regards,

Claudiu Belu

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answered 2015-02-10 19:16:02 +0200

aserdean gravatar image

Hello Chandra,

For an Open vSwitch environment you could take a look over:

Thanks, Alin.

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Asked: 2015-02-06 06:42:29 +0200

Seen: 614 times

Last updated: Feb 10 '15