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Golden Image process via windows-openstack-imaging-tools

asked 2019-09-03 09:27:28 +0300

spoertner gravatar image

Hi there,

thanks for the great solution and for the windows-openstack-imaging-tools. I was able to produce customized images for all mayor windows server versions and the latest win10 (just for giggles). To kinda fasten up the process i would like to use the golden image, at least if i have understood this correctly. But i am unable to get it to work. I can create a golden image via script as vhdx, but i am kinda stuck with part 2, getting the goldenimage to a qcow2 image via the script. I am not sure what i need to pass on to the ini for options. I googled around but i couldn't find any information regarding this scenario. Are there some howtos for this whole goldenimage process?

Help would be very much appreciated.

best regards, S

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1 answer

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answered 2019-09-13 18:10:16 +0300

avladu gravatar image

updated 2019-09-13 18:12:36 +0300


You need to specify the golden_image_path in the image config file. Make sure you backup your golden image before, as for the time being the script does NOT copy the golden_image_path specified.

gold_image_path=path of the backed up golden image

Thank you,
Adrian Vladu

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Asked: 2019-09-03 09:27:28 +0300

Seen: 31,496 times

Last updated: Sep 13 '19