too much work for irq4

asked 2020-04-26 03:35:30 +0200

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Hello everyone

I tried to install openstack with v-magine on my windows 10 but it;s seems stuck.

Can anyone tell me what is it doing now? is it downloading cantos or something?

At the bottom "PXE booting OpenStack controller VM..." for long time. more than an hour.

It is very slow.

1 432M 1 6537k 0 0 10780 0 11:40:56 0:10:21 11:30:35 11871 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
2 4[ 1256.928074] serial8250: too much work for irq4 0:19:52 11:47:27 970632 0:10:22 11:30:10 11769
2 432M 2 12.2M 0 0 10354 0 12:09:46 0:20:42 11:49:04 7844
3 432M 3 16.5M 0 0 10458 0 12:02:31 0:27:40 11:34:51 155[ 1878.291044] serial8250: too much work for irq4
4 [ 1878.677045] serial8250: too much work for irq4 0:29:23 11:28:48 11414
4 432M 4 18.8M 0 0 10588 0 11:53:42 0:31:05 11:22:37 5736
5 432M 5 22.6M 0 0 10690 0 11:46:50 0:37:05 11[ 2499.925181] serial8250: too much work for irq4
5 432M 5 25.6M 0 0 10795 0 11:39:57 0:41:27 10:58:34 11217
7 432M 7 33.1M 0 0 11171 0 11:16:24 0:51:49 10:24:39 10975
8 432M [ 3745.188011] serial8250: too much work for irq449 10:25:29 15568
9 432M 9 39.2M 0 0 11019 0 11:25:44 1:02:12 10:23:32 19634
9 432M 9 41.3M 0 0 11004 [ 4366.817163] serial8250: too much work for irq402:12 10:23:32 17654
10[ 4367.866785] serial8250: too much work for irq416 1:11:17 10:20:59 8984
10 432M 10 45.3M 0 0 10909 0 11:32:38 1:12:34 10:20:04 7793
12 432M 12 51.9M 0 0 10943 0 11:30:29 1:22:55 10:07:34 11439:12:35 10:20:11 4837
13 432M 13 58.9M 0 0 11045 0 11:23:59 1:33:17 9:50:42 13377 12408
14 432M 14 63.5M 0 0 11184 0 11:15:36 1:39:18 9:3[ 6233.193311] serial8250: too much work for irq4
15 432M 15 66.5M 0 0 11211 0 11:13:59 1:43:40 9:30:15 7909
16 432M 16 72.7M [ 6856.798408] serial8250: too much work for irq4 9859
16 432M 16 72.8M 0 0 11157 0 11:17:15 1:54:03 9:23:12 7937
18 432M 18 79.0M 0 0 11110 0 11:20:06 2:04:25 9:15:41 9401

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