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How can I open VM console with web parameters via html5_proxy_base_url

asked 2015-06-09 14:43:12 +0300

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Following is for non openstack hyperv console access via FreeRDP-WebConnect

Is there a way to bypass the form submission of html5proxybase_url e.g. such that a VM console gets open if


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2 answers

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answered 2015-06-10 21:55:43 +0300

alexpilotti gravatar image

If properly configured, there is no form showing up.

All you need is to provide proper admin credentials when installing FreeRDP-WebConnect.

Horizon will take care of the console authentication, passing a token to FreeRDP-WebConnect that will be used by wsgate to query your Nova environment for the Hyper-V host and VM id.

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Thanks for your reply. However I am not using openstack or horizon for authentication. Instead looking for some API to open the console in iframe or similar on my custom portal.

Rishi gravatar imageRishi ( 2015-06-10 22:09:43 +0300 )edit

Further to this, I found that there is another format that exists like u: ,v:, h: but no documentation could be found.

Rishi gravatar imageRishi ( 2015-06-13 10:17:45 +0300 )edit

@alexpilotti any further hint ? I'm stuck up on guessing what are the mysterious parameters. :)

Rishi gravatar imageRishi ( 2015-06-15 11:07:22 +0300 )edit

answered 2015-06-16 21:28:32 +0300

c64cosmin gravatar image

You need to use the following keywords



This being the case of directly connecting to a machine. Resulting in the following

[iframe src="http://[wsgate host-ip] :8000/?host=[host-ip]&port=3389"]

Or if you're using Hyper-V

host=[Hyper-V host-ip]


pcb=[VM id]

Resulting in the following

[iframe src="http://[wsgate host-ip] :8000/?host=[Hyper-V host-ip]&port=2179&pcb=[VM id]"]

[wsgate host-ip] is the IP of the machine where you installed wsgate

[VM id] is the blob that you can get using the PowerShell command

Get-VM [instance-name] | select id

You can get your instance-names but just running Get-VM

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Asked: 2015-06-09 14:43:12 +0300

Seen: 2,267 times

Last updated: Jun 16 '15