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FreeRDP cmake command line

asked 2015-07-15 02:23:10 +0300

free_condor gravatar image

Hi, I would really appreciate your help on compiling freeRdp into one executable. I tried the cmake command you provided here: However, it seems to keep depending on the dlls.

I have VS 2013 and I am not able to get a standalone FreeRdp.exe like you.

Thanks in advance.

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answered 2015-09-23 16:47:29 +0300

c64cosmin gravatar image

You need to relate to the DLLs required and add the libraries accordingly. Cpprest, OpenSSL, libpng, boost, pthreads and EHS are the dependencies that you need to use in order to build your solution. EHS is being built the same way as WebConnect, using cmake. Also you could use the Github issues HERE to guide yourself in case some compilation errors occur.

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Asked: 2015-07-15 02:23:10 +0300

Seen: 535 times

Last updated: Sep 23 '15