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cloudbase-init service no running

asked 2015-08-17 22:35:57 +0300

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I Created a windows 2012 r2 image for OpenStack, the cloudbase-init service does not running, it starts and stop.

Running manually cloudbase-Init.exe follows the error

CRITICAL stopping service cloudbase-init failed with return value 5

And the service is stopped.

My question is cloudbase-init service rem to stay running?


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answered 2015-08-18 05:53:22 +0300

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thanks alex

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answered 2015-08-17 22:50:42 +0300

alexpilotti gravatar image

This is correct: the service shuts down itself when the bootstrapping is done

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Asked: 2015-08-17 22:35:57 +0300

Seen: 1,667 times

Last updated: Aug 18 '15