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2016-10-04 19:24:54 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-10-04 19:24:54 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-07-21 11:45:22 +0200 received badge  Taxonomist
2015-11-11 15:29:40 +0200 commented answer vNext Nano server as a compute node?

are you going to support nested virtualization when tp4 comes out (probably next week)

2015-11-10 12:33:06 +0200 commented answer vNext Nano server as a compute node?

ping-pong ;)

2015-11-10 12:30:39 +0200 answered a question v-magine: need more than 1 value to unpack in install_hyperv_compute

I'm trying to install V-Magine on an existing 2012 R2 Hyper-V host (without the November 2014 rollup installed; WU keeps failing on installing that - no idea if it's relevant) - mm, I've heard about gen2 vm with secure boot issue, you might want to disable secure boot and try to install it once again.

I've had the same error, try redownloading v-maginve. I've had no luck reproducing it after a few redownloads... but before that it kept throwing same error.

2015-11-08 23:54:02 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-11-06 22:23:02 +0200 commented answer vNext Nano server as a compute node?

Also doesn't work on tp4 with gui, same thing. starting compute node indefinetely... (if tp4 is a vm with hyper-v)

2015-11-05 20:03:52 +0200 commented answer vNext Nano server as a compute node? and nothing happens after that, it will stay at that phase forever, funny thing is, there is nothing in the log (no log file gets generated, actually).

2015-11-05 15:31:23 +0200 commented answer vNext Nano server as a compute node?

1 I have vNext tp4 where I deployed v-magine and nano server. the server itself works as a compute node just fine. 2 forget about devstack 3 nano with hyper-v and compat. package. nano with nested virtualization that works. I will supply logs later, when I get home. ps. pastebin ok?

2015-11-04 11:08:39 +0200 received badge  Commentator
2015-11-04 11:08:39 +0200 commented answer add in a second hyper-v compute node to v-magine installation?

well, from my experience (i've been trying to make compute on nano server work) it should work with any address, i couldn't make compute work, because it wouldn't start, but its because of the nano server. neutron would work ok. Try copying inf files over to the new node and see how it goes

2015-11-03 22:43:56 +0200 answered a question add in a second hyper-v compute node to v-magine installation?

I haven't tested it yet, but it should be fairly easy, you run nova compute installer and specify all the same parameters as your first node uses. Don't take my word for it, but you can just install with any parameters, turn the service off, and copy inf file from working node, it should work after that. But I might be mistaken, althou i don't see why it shouldn't work.

Ofc for everything to work, you have to make sure configuration on both nodes are the same, if you are copying inf file over (esp. the networking part).

2015-11-02 13:31:32 +0200 commented answer vNext Nano server as a compute node?

that´s understandable, just don´t leave me all alone vs this thing :) Thanks, I appreciate all the work you guys are doing, but I wasn't able to find any document on implementing nano as a compute node, so I have to poke you on the forum... sorry for that!

2015-11-02 11:55:12 +0200 answered a question vNext Nano server as a compute node?

Hello, any update on this thread please?

2015-10-31 11:12:05 +0200 received badge  Enthusiast
2015-10-30 22:50:15 +0200 commented answer vNext Nano server as a compute node?

Hello? Do you have any advice on this matter?

2015-10-29 21:28:48 +0200 commented answer vNext Nano server as a compute node?

well, nano server doesn't seem to be able to launch nova agent...It stays at "starting compute node" indefinitely... ps. about the devstack, i'm just really bad at linux, so i guess it my bad, i will find some way to figure it out ;) just wanted to be sure that it should work.

2015-10-29 09:30:09 +0200 commented answer vNext Nano server as a compute node?

Well, do I need to install old application compatibility package? or it will work without it? ps. Is there any step-by-step documentation on how to do that? Or at least a bit more detailed?

2015-10-29 09:29:30 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-10-29 05:22:00 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-10-29 05:22:00 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-10-28 12:52:26 +0200 commented answer v-magine "need more than 1 value to unpack"

i guess you can mark this as answered, I have no idea, it installs fine now everytime.

2015-10-28 12:46:00 +0200 asked a question vNext Nano server as a compute node?

Hello, I want to test this scenario, as far as I understand it is not yet possible? If I am wrong, could you, kindly, point me to the documentation on how to do that? Is there any eta if it is not yet available?

ps. is it possible to use your nova'compute hyper-v with devstack? I've tried and failed horribly ;)

2015-10-27 16:30:17 +0200 commented answer v-magine "need more than 1 value to unpack"

It installed on the latest tp of vnext, but it is really inconsistent. it was working on 2012 r2, I reformatted my box, installed 2016, did a fresh install of openstack, it stopped working (some ridiculous error about vhd not being vhd)...

2015-10-26 18:10:54 +0200 commented answer v-magine "need more than 1 value to unpack"

Tell me you did something, else I feel like a madman. Somehow it started working on my 2012r2... At least I got to the puppet part, lets see... I'll try on vNext and post here

2015-10-26 18:05:14 +0200 answered a question V-Magine error: "Need more than 1 value to unpack"

Same error here, trying to redownload v-magine...

2015-10-26 13:05:52 +0200 commented answer v-magine "need more than 1 value to unpack"

Well, it installed... I guess I can call that a miracle. I will be installing 2016tp3 in the evening and trying out new install, I'll tell you how it goes.

2015-10-26 12:05:33 +0200 answered a question v-magine "need more than 1 value to unpack"

Well, you would not believe it, this time I got past this error on my Win10 (I changed nothing I swear). But on my 2012r2 I've tried this install like 10 times minimum. Thank you for telling me about the log files, I was searching in all the temp dirs., oh well. Right now its doing something with puppet on centos, I hope it works out well.

ps. Just so you know, win10 RTM (10240) won't create VMSwitches when trying to install, I worked around that by creating switches manually (commented on that here >

I'll keep this thread updated.

2015-10-26 11:08:02 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-10-26 11:07:39 +0200 asked a question v-magine "need more than 1 value to unpack"

Hello, so I've tried to install OpenStack with v-magine on 2012r2 and win10, both installations always (I've tried like dozen times) end with this same error ("need more than 1 value to unpack"). I haven't even found logs for v-magine to troubleshoot it. Any advice please?

2015-10-26 10:58:40 +0200 commented answer V-Magine error: "Need more than 1 value to unpack"

It doesn't ;( Tried 2012r2 and win10, both with same result.