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2017-11-02 19:16:01 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2017-06-09 11:38:53 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2017-05-05 13:36:45 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2017-04-11 21:18:39 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2017-04-08 00:22:45 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-04-07 08:52:41 +0200 commented question "no internet access" on instance's NIC

Yes, the private network working, I have instances on it (they run on KVM). instances on linux compute node have full functional networking. they can ping each other and gw, can reach internet, I can access them via SSH using floating ip address. What settings should I set in security group?

2017-04-05 12:45:18 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-04-05 11:11:26 +0200 asked a question "no internet access" on instance's NIC

Instance starts on hyper-v, but no internet access, only APIPA address occurs in output of ipconfig. Status of 'Connections: Ethernet' is "No internet access".

At the controller everything looks like good:

| ID                                   | Name   | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks         |
| 37426e91-96ab-49fc-8abd-8c72366a29d3 | cirros | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | privnet= |
| 5de24a4e-c87f-4f3c-b8c8-8609a9065000 | w17    | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | privnet=, |

I can associate a floating-ip address to hyper-v instance, but it is dead too.

How can I debug this?

Thanks in advance!


2017-04-05 09:03:54 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2017-04-05 09:02:40 +0200 answered a question [SOLVED] neutron-ovs-agent not register itself, and vxlan connection not built up

Problem solved!

I udated '[ovs]' section in neutron-ovs-agent.conf as abalutoiu suggested. Vxaln tunnels built up, controller was able to start instance on hyper-v compute node.

Thank you!



2017-04-03 13:45:47 +0200 asked a question [SOLVED] neutron-ovs-agent not register itself, and vxlan connection not built up

Dear Team,

I have a working newton environment, I would like to use a hyper-v compute node. The nova compute works as expected, but I have problem with neutron openvswitch agent. I followed in order to install openvswitch on windows 2012 R2 server. Everything looks like (there is no any error in log files). But neutron-ovs-agent not listed in neutron agents on controller. 'ovs-vsctl show' not shows any vxlan tunnel.

ovs-vsctl show

e8bb9f38-f088-439c-a489-e3c567cbe013 Manager "ptcp:6640:" Bridge br-int Port br-int Interface br-int type: internal Port patch-tun Interface patch-tun type: patch options: {peer=patch-int} Bridge br-tun Port br-tun Interface br-tun type: internal Port patch-int Interface patch-int type: patch options: {peer=patch-tun} Bridge br-provider Port br-provider Interface br-provider type: internal Port provider Interface provider






policy_file=C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\etc\policy.json


logdir=C:\OpenStack\Log\ logfile=neutron-ovs-agent.log

[agent] tunneltypes = vxlan enablemetrics_collection=false

[SECURITYGROUP] enablesecuritygroup=true firewall_driver = openvswitch

[ovs] localip = tunnelbridge = br-tun integrationbridge = br-int tenantnetworktype = vxlan enabletunneling = true bridge_mappings = provider:br-provider

[oslomessagingrabbit] rabbithost = rabbitport = 5672 rabbituserid = openstack rabbitpassword = a62e6d11095ff403e43294741ae9d4d6da3a56e10192339837654355efb4


2017-04-03 12:21:40.219 4284 INFO neutron.common.config [-] Logging enabled!

2017-04-03 12:21:40.220 4284 INFO neutron.common.config [-] C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\Scripts\ version 9.0.1.dev14

2017-04-03 12:21:40.226 4284 WARNING osloconfig.cfg [-] Option "rabbithost" from group "oslomessagingrabbit" is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future.

2017-04-03 12:21:40.226 4284 WARNING osloconfig.cfg [-] Option "rabbitport" from group "oslomessagingrabbit" is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future.

2017-04-03 12:21:40.227 4284 WARNING osloconfig.cfg [-] Option "rabbitpassword" from group "oslomessagingrabbit" is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future.

2017-04-03 12:21:40.229 4284 WARNING osloconfig.cfg [-] Option "rabbituserid" from group "oslomessagingrabbit" is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future.

2017-04-03 12:21:40.233 4284 INFO ryu.base.appmanager [-] loading app neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.openflow.native.ovsryuapp

2017-04-03 12:21:40.694 4284 INFO ryu.base.app_manager [-] loading app

2017-04-03 12:21:40.697 4284 INFO ryu.base.appmanager [-] loading app ryu.controller.ofphandler

2017-04-03 12:21:40.698 4284 INFO ryu.base.appmanager [-] instantiating app neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.openflow.native.ovsryuapp of OVSNeutronAgentRyuApp

2017-04-03 12:21:40.700 4284 INFO ryu.base.appmanager [-] instantiating app ryu.controller.ofphandler of OFPHandler

2017-04-03 12:21:40.700 4284 INFO ryu.base.app_manager [-] instantiating app ...
