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Unable to download and install windows patch in Windows 2012 STD

asked 2016-09-01 13:40:42 +0300

Parth Gandhi gravatar image

Hi, I am trying to create Windows 2012 STD image using the windows openstack imaging tool however I am unable to update the windows using the PSWindowsupdate module. I have forced the registry values to connect to local WSUS server before calling the get-WUinstall cmdlet. However at runtime it just import the module but does not accept/download/install the patch. It is not giving any error and moves to the next step after some time. The same is working fine with Windows 2012 R2 and 2008 R2. Please advice if there is any additional config need to be added for 2012 STD.

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answered 2016-09-01 17:31:07 +0300

avladu gravatar image


If you try to install manually the updates from Control Panel, do you get the same behavior? It might be the case that your wsus server is not configured to offer updates to 2012 STD.

Thank you, Adrian Vladu

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It does work thru control panel or even if i run the get-wuinstall command manually after cancelling the logon script...

Parth Gandhi gravatar imageParth Gandhi ( 2016-09-01 20:24:50 +0300 )edit

answered 2016-09-30 15:45:16 +0300

Alf de Vale gravatar image

Nice one, that sorted it for me!


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Asked: 2016-09-01 13:40:42 +0300

Seen: 2,111 times

Last updated: Sep 30 '16