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OVS - Extension not running

asked 2019-01-02 11:21:49 +0300

fw-contiva gravatar image

updated 2019-01-07 11:44:35 +0300


I've been trying the latest OVS beta version 2.9 for the last few days and tried - among other features - OVN. The last time I tried it I had to get it to work, but then I noticed that there were bluescreens during network traffic. Thereupon I installed the last released version again. But since no network access was possible here with OVN, I installed the beta version again.

But now the ovs-vsctl commands are no longer able to create or delete bridges. Error in the log:

2019-01-02T08:54:38.972Z|00016|netlink_socket|ERR|fcntl: The system cannot find the specified file.
2019-01-02T08:54:38.972Z|00017|dpif|WARN|failed to create datapath ovs-system: Invalid argument
2019-01-02T08:54:38.972Z|00018|ofproto_dpif|ERR|failed to open datapath of type system: Invalid argument
2019-01-02T08:54:38.972Z|00019|ofproto|ERR|failed to open datapath br-pif: Invalid argument
2019-01-02T08:54:38.972Z|00020|bridge|ERR|failed to create bridge br-pif: Invalid argument

When I look at the Switch extension, I get a warning that the extension is not working properly and I should check the EventLog. But there is nothing to find.

In PowerShell the extension is displayed as not running:

Id                  : 583CC151-73EC-4A6A-8B47-578297AD7623
Name                : Cloudbase Open vSwitch Extension
Vendor              : Cloudbase Solutions Srl
Version             : 2.7.4
ExtensionType       : Forwarding
ParentExtensionId   :
ParentExtensionName :
SwitchId            : 40250d5f-9313-45d6-a98f-2a572c192a50
SwitchName          : OVS
Enabled             : True
Running             : False

Any idea?

Best Regards,

Frank Wagner

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I found a strange workaround: when I disable Secure Boot the extension is running again. It seems the issue is related to some Windows protection feature. Still confusing, so maybe someone has a better solution for this.

fw-contiva gravatar imagefw-contiva ( 2019-01-05 13:06:42 +0300 )edit

2 answers

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answered 2019-01-07 11:42:14 +0300

fw-contiva gravatar image

Hello Alin,

thank you for investigating this. Unfortunately, this does not fit to my experiences. I also thought in the same direction and removed all ovsext drivers with DriverStore.Explorer. With the latest installer from yesterday it reports like this in pnputil:

Published name :            oem54.inf
Driver package provider :   Cloudbase Solutions Srl
Class :                     Network Service
Driver date and version :   10/10/2013
Signer name :               Cloudbase Solutions Srl

This is the same data as in the inf file stored at C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Open vSwitch\Driver

Signature   = "$Windows NT$"
Class       = NetService
ClassGUID   = {4D36E974-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Provider    = %OVS%
CatalogFile =
DriverVer   = 10/10/2013,1.0

On another system that was fresh installed I see the same version information (extension version 1.0). But on this system the extension is running!

Id                  : 583CC151-73EC-4A6A-8B47-578297AD7623
Name                : Cloudbase Open vSwitch Extension
Vendor              : Cloudbase Solutions Srl
Version             : 1.0
ExtensionType       : Forwarding
ParentExtensionId   :
ParentExtensionName :
SwitchId            : a7c7f050-aca0-40a4-b719-5444b62b0073
SwitchName          : OVS
Enabled             : True
Running             : True

Best Regards,


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The version and date are wrong. I'll check out the inf stamp step and update the installer once it is done.

aserdean gravatar imageaserdean ( 2019-01-07 14:57:53 +0300 )edit

answered 2019-01-06 15:15:04 +0300

aserdean gravatar image

Thanks a lot for the bug report (w.r.o. the BSOD).

There are a couple of reasons why the extension fails to be enabled properly:

  1. Enabling the OVS extension on multiple Hyper-V vSwitches.

  2. Trying to install the wrong driver on a different platform (i.e. you install the family 8 driver on 9/10 family).

  3. Having multiple OVS drivers installed. In theory when you enable the extension it should pick the most recent one but that doesn't always happen.

Since you mentioned you are trying out 2.9: Cloudbase Solutions Srl Version : 2.7.4 should not be there, so I'm guessing you are in the 3rd case.

Issue the command:

pnputil.exe -e

this will give a listing with all the installed drivers and versions. In my case it is the following:

Published name :            oem10.inf
Driver package provider :   Cloudbase Solutions Srl
Class :                     Network Service
Driver date and version :   01/06/2019 ****
Signer name :               ****

Please remove all entries of the OVS driver before you install/reinstall. You can remove the entries by issuing:

pnputil.exe -d oem<number.>.inf

In my case:

pnputil.exe -d oem10.inf


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Asked: 2019-01-02 11:21:49 +0300

Seen: 750 times

Last updated: Jan 07 '19