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2016-07-12 11:53:11 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-02-29 17:43:30 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-02-29 17:43:30 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-01-13 12:27:48 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-11-04 07:52:21 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-09-09 02:47:02 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-09-08 12:28:37 +0200 asked a question VM cannot automaticly grab an IP address and even a port from the virtual switch

Hi, When I would like to create a new instance and assign to it an private NIC with an IP address, it works but not all I'll get the new instnace but without connecting to virtual switch 'external'. I followed the openvsiwtch tutorial and I saw in the last command lines that you attach the VM's virtual NIC with the br0 of ovs. Am I type these command lines each time I create new instances ? I would like that the VM will be automaticly attached to the ovs bridge located in Hyper-V. After attaching manually this VM to the bridge, the VM doesn't ping to the gateway in virtual router.

Here is the log file of neutron-hyperv-agent :

2015-09-08 12:00:58 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-09-08 12:00:39 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-09-07 17:58:07 +0200 commented answer Error when add bridge and port (OvSwitch on Hyper-v 2012)

Thank you it was helpful. And what about the command line 'ovs-vsctl.exe add-port br0 gre-1' I got the same error what do I have to type ? I have only 2 NICs in the compute node. The first one I called it 'external' which is the vswitch for hyper-v and it is considered as Data VM Traffic connected to the network node and the second one is considered as Management Network connected to the controller node

2015-09-07 12:45:21 +0200 commented answer Error while installing openvswitch

for the link, when you get page not found, you may remove the ' /p ' at the end of the link also the '<>' and then you'll get the logs

2015-09-07 12:41:35 +0200 received badge  Commentator
2015-09-07 12:41:35 +0200 commented answer Error while installing openvswitch

I have successfully installed openvswitch thanks to the installer above. Thank you aserdean and alexpilotti for your reply. I faced another error while typing the following command line : 'ovs-vsctl.exe add-port br0 external' and I get : 'ovs-vsctl: Error detected while setting up 'external'. See ovs-vswitchd log for details.'. Here is the log file :

2015-09-07 11:50:52 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-09-01 15:01:26 +0200 commented answer Error while installing openvswitch

alexpilotti : Currently I'm using your windows server that you published in your web site. Ok I'll try to use the latest MSI but Could you please give me a link from which I can download. aserdean : Tomorrow Incha'Allah I will post the output of PnPutil.exe -e because I'm not in the office. Thank you all.

2015-08-31 13:19:43 +0200 commented answer Error while installing openvswitch

1. yes I did. 2. is the certificate appear when the installation in progress? if yes, it's sure that I accepted. Otherwise tell me from where I should get it. 3. Yes my hyper-v Role is enabled.

2015-08-31 13:08:37 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-08-30 12:42:32 +0200 received badge  Organizer (source)
2015-08-30 12:39:00 +0200 received badge  Enthusiast
2015-08-30 12:38:58 +0200 asked a question Error while installing openvswitch

Hello, I faced a problem while installing ovs on hyperv which is netcfg failed to install open vswitch hyperv switch extension.

Thank you

2015-08-29 00:31:46 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-08-28 20:25:03 +0200 commented answer VM unable to connect to virtual switch : vif_type: binding_failed

thank you for your reply . i found another problem while installing openvswitch installer which is : 'netcfg failed to install open vswitch hyperv switch extension'

2015-08-27 15:41:58 +0200 asked a question VM unable to connect to virtual switch : vif_type: binding_failed

Hi again, I followed the tutorial of neutron-hyperv-Agent until the end and after the creation of the new VM, it was successfully created and the hyper-v manager shows me the VM which was created through by Openstack. However, When I'd like to check for the vNIC of the VM, I found it not connected. After that, I followed the troubleshooting and I reached until neutron port-show $PORT_ID then I got :

| Field                 | Value                                              |
| admin_state_up        | True                                |
| allowed_address_pairs |                                                                     |
| binding:host_id       | WIN-C6EIDJEP5J0                                                |
| binding:profile       | {}                                                                  |
| binding:vif_details   | {}                                                                  |
| binding:vif_type      | binding_failel                                                      |
| binding:vnic_type     | normal                                                              |
| device_id             | 94690504-ca00-4f72-86f7-9f8c8833e9af                           |
| device_owner          | compute:nova                                                        |
| extra_dhcp_opts       |                                                                     |
| fixed_ips             | {"subnet_id": "a4895d36-28b8-447b-b551-f84796ffe5a1", "ip_address": ""} |
| id                    | 0cf3d49f-fa77-4249-ad2c-59a237e22b47                                |
| mac_address           | fa:16:3e:4f:a3:f0                                                   |
| name                  |                                                                     |
| network_id            | 37dd11a3-07ce-4411-b290-b85bde4b2bb9                                |
| security_groups       | 120a3bde-efd3-4fb1-8416-a07ec83b0438                                |
| status                | DOWN                                                                |
| tenant_id             | 0335a8743dcc44aeaa8fecaae079f969                                   |

for the neutron agent-list , I got:

| id                                   | agent_type         | host            | alive | admin_state_up | binary                    |
| 12623ad9-61a3-4707-abc9-04fbbc6c3ee9 | Metadata agent     | network         | :-)   | True           | neutron-metadata-agent    |
| 24666abb-0fa7-4b5a-92b1-aef5c128356a | HyperV agent       | WIN-C6EIDJEP5J0 | :-)   | True           | neutron-hyperv-agent      |
| 47599326-636e-46ae-98c1-96ac5ce5d63d | DHCP agent         | network         | :-)   | True           | neutron-dhcp-agent        |
| bb8a28a6-9ce3-432d-bef9-e9c6b799a35a | Open vSwitch agent | network         | :-)   | True           | neutron-openvswitch-agent |
| d3a805ad-16ee-4541-9629-4567d1ddedd2 | L3 agent           | network         | :-)   | True           | neutron-l3-agent          |

for the following command line neutron subnet-show a4895d36-28b8-447b-b551-f84796ffe5a1, I got:

| Field             | Value                                      |
| allocation_pools  | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
| cidr              |                                |
| dns_nameservers   |                                            |
| enable_dhcp       | True                                       |
| gateway_ip        |                                   |
| host_routes       |                                            |
| id                | a4895d36-28b8-447b-b551-f84796ffe5a1       |
| ip_version        | 4                                          |
| ipv6_address_mode |                                            |
| ipv6_ra_mode      |                                            |
| name              |                                            |
| network_id        | 37dd11a3-07ce-4411-b290-b85bde4b2bb9       |
| tenant_id         | 0335a8743dcc44aeaa8fecaae079f969           |

for the following command line Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMNetworkAdapterName $PORT_ID -All I got:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMNetworkAdapterName $PORT_ID -All

Name                                 IsManagementOs VMName            SwitchName MacAddress   Status IPAddresses
----                                 -------------- ------            ---------- ----------   ------ -----------
external                             True                             external   F8B156C7662A {Ok}
0cf3d49f-fa77-4249-ad2c-59a237e22b47 False          instance-00000009            FA163E4FA3F0        {}
6f396fe0-b475-4a9c-b632-550cbc50a159 False          instance-00000009            FA163E65D06D        {}

thank you for helping me and if you would like another file I will be in your service.

2015-08-27 15:09:13 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-08-25 19:39:55 +0200 commented answer VM cannot connect to virtual switch

sorry for the moment I'm not in the office, tomorrow Incha'Allah I will post the log file. But when I installed nova-compute-hyperv in windows server, in the etc folder I got nova-compute.conf and neutron-hyperv.conf. do I follow your neutron-hyperv-agent tutorial or this current file is enough.

2015-08-25 19:15:24 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-08-25 17:41:45 +0200 commented answer VM cannot connect to virtual switch

do I follow your tutorial of Neutron Hyper-V Agent?

2015-08-25 17:40:21 +0200 commented answer VM cannot connect to virtual switch

I don't know how to work with it. here is the log: Agent out of sync with plugin!. Error in agent event loop: 'NoneType' object is not iterable. TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable. Also I cannot ping to my new VM with its private IP : , also I cannot ping from the VM to gateway

2015-08-25 17:36:45 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-08-25 01:31:17 +0200 received badge  Supporter (source)
2015-08-24 17:19:44 +0200 commented answer VM cannot connect to virtual switch
2015-08-24 15:20:18 +0200 asked a question VM cannot connect to virtual switch

Hi, I deployed Openstack with hyperv but I faced a problem. When I'd like to create a new VM, it works very well.However, the VM cannot connect to the virtual switch, I have to connect it manually which is unlogical, is their any solution?

2015-08-24 11:41:28 +0200 asked a question Customizing configuration before creating a VM

Hi, I have successfully deployed Openstack with hyper-v using your solution and it was very easy and useful. But I'd like to ask a question which is, is it possible to customize the configuration of the new VM before starting it for the first time, like for example, I type a new username and password by adding two fields in openstack's dashboard, exactly in the creation form of a new VM? That will lead to skip the step of typing your username and password for the windows when you start your new VM and take in consideration the new configuration customized in the creation form. What I'm thinking about is writing a script, but I don't know how I do it. Knowing that this process is available on WAP (windows azure pack). Best regard

2015-08-08 19:34:16 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)