2023-04-06 08:28:02 +0200 | received badge | ● Famous Question (source) |
2023-04-06 08:28:02 +0200 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2020-02-27 00:26:51 +0200 | received badge | ● Famous Question (source) |
2020-02-27 00:26:51 +0200 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2019-05-10 12:44:36 +0200 | received badge | ● Famous Question (source) |
2018-09-17 09:36:49 +0200 | received badge | ● Famous Question (source) |
2018-07-17 18:40:41 +0200 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2018-07-16 15:49:47 +0200 | marked best answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' Hi, In addition to the issue we're having @ https://ask.cloudbase.it/question/275... we are having an issue with neutron and one of our instance. The instance appears to be running just fine, but we're seeing a bunch of errors within the neutron's logfile where the instance is running at. The issue seems to be occurring on any hyperv node that is running the instance. The error messages are as follow:
2018-07-16 15:49:24 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' Thanks a lot for your help; it was greatly appreciated ! |
2018-07-16 15:49:11 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' Actually, the error doesn't seem to be occurring very often. It occurred quite a few times but only for a few hours. Sin |
2018-07-13 17:33:06 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' However, I'm now seeing different error messages such as https://nextcloud.dataenligne.com/index.php/s/6TyzZqRze38qggZ |
2018-07-13 17:33:03 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' This makes sense now; this instance has been restored using Veeam a few weeks ago which involves the instance being re-c |
2018-07-12 16:39:32 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' I have tried to restart neutron a few times to make sure it picks up the config. |
2018-07-12 16:38:53 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' Awesome, thanks! os-win is now @ 2.2.0 - I have added back the wmi caching lines into neutronhypervagent.conf ([OSWIN] c |
2018-07-11 16:39:20 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' I would prefer using the MSI - I'll be sure I don't mix up things. Or, I could use your "unpublished/unofficial" MSI and |
2018-07-10 23:28:42 +0200 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2018-07-10 23:14:12 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' Any help would be appreciated. |
2018-07-10 23:14:02 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' By running the command through CLI, it says "pbr" needs to be <2.0.0,>=1.8. If I force an install of pbr 1.10.0 (w |
2018-07-10 23:13:50 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' I have tried to update os-win to 2.2.0 using the following command: ".\pip.exe install os-win==2.2.0" --- which appears |
2018-07-10 15:57:37 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' Hi @lpetrut ; just wondering if you had any thoughts on the previous comment ? thanks ! |
2018-07-03 19:56:02 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' Looks like we might have our culprit! https://nextcloud.dataenligne.com/index.php/s/RPEKKq3A5DHr8qL It shows: os-win== |
2018-07-03 17:07:18 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' Yep, neutron agent was restarted, however, I'm not seeing any WMI caching disabled messages in the neutron's logfile. W |
2018-07-03 02:47:58 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' Thanks for getting back. We've been trying to add the following to neutronhypervagent.conf where the instance is current |
2018-07-03 02:43:13 +0200 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2018-06-29 22:59:48 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' there you go: https://nextcloud.dataenligne.com/index.php/s/NX93bedjD7wXr6p status is: BUILD which doesn't seem right t |
2018-06-29 17:40:06 +0200 | commented answer | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' Yes, the instance has a vnic configured, although it shows status degraded ? see: https://nextcloud.dataenligne.com/inde |
2018-06-29 17:11:43 +0200 | asked a question | WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' WMI job failed with status 10. Error details: Failed to add device 'Ethernet Connection' Hi, In addition to the issue w |
2018-06-28 18:17:24 +0200 | asked a question | Re-installing a compute node Re-installing a compute node Hi, We are currently running an Ocata "all-in-one" RDO instance within our hyperconverged |
2018-06-28 17:42:32 +0200 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2018-06-28 17:42:10 +0200 | marked best answer | Question regarding nova's limit_cpu_features Hi, We're currently deploying new nodes in our infrastructure and been trying to migrate some instances to these newly added hosts. We haven't been able to do so due to the instances being deployed with no "processor compatibility" enabled. We have taken a look at the nova's configuration file and it appears that "limitcpufeatures" is enabled (true). Do we have to specify additional arguments when deploying the image file to glance in order to enable cpu compatibility when deploying new instances ? We're running Ocata using RDO. 3x nodes running 2016 datacenter (core) with a failover cluster + S2D enabled Thanks, |
2018-06-28 17:41:19 +0200 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2018-06-28 17:41:19 +0200 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2018-06-01 16:36:45 +0200 | asked a question | Question regarding nova's limit_cpu_features Question regarding nova's limit_cpu_features Hi, We're currently deploying new nodes in our infrastructure and been try |
2018-04-05 22:45:52 +0200 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2018-03-01 04:01:09 +0200 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2018-02-27 22:27:55 +0200 | commented answer | Configure Nova for automatic instance start-up It appears it did the trick! Thanks for the link :) cheers, |
2018-02-27 22:27:19 +0200 | marked best answer | Configure Nova for automatic instance start-up Hi, We are currently running an hyperv cluster with storage spaces direct based on 3x nodes. We have OpenStack Ocata deployed as a single node / single VM through RDO. When a node crashes and failover doesn't occur, instances might get shutoff by hyperv. Is there a way to tell nova to automatically start these VMs without the need of manually starting these instances ? Please let me know if you need further information. Thanks, |
2018-02-27 22:26:27 +0200 | marked best answer | Resizing Gen2 Guest EFI Hi, We are currently running an hyperv cluster with storage spaces direct based on 3x nodes. They are using the nova-ocata computer driver from cloudbase. We have OpenStack Ocata deployed as a single node / single VM through RDO. These nodes are configured so that it uses differential disks when creating instances. Images being used within glance contain the Gen2 attribute. So far, instances are running just fine. We've been trying to resize one of our CentOS7 guest (still gen2); we applied a new flavor with a new disk size (100GB -vs- 50GB) and initiated the resize process (which took quiet awhile to complete, but that is fine). What we stumbled across though is that once the resize process has completed, the instance wasn't able to boot due to missing EFI. We tried several things within the guest itself but to no avail. What seemed to fix the issue was to manually re-create a new differential disk from which the main disk was still the same has previously used. Booted once into that new disk and got the shim.efi (re)installed. Then, we simply re-attached the resized differential disk and was able to boot the instance properly. Is there any way to avoid this when doing a resize of a Gen2 instance ? Please let me know if you guys need further information. Thanks! -Luc |
2018-02-27 22:24:39 +0200 | commented answer | Resizing Gen2 Guest EFI Looks like that was it ! Thanks a lot; this is useful information indeed. Cheers, |
2018-02-27 04:55:44 +0200 | commented answer | Resizing Gen2 Guest EFI Deploying instances using the image above works fine. What I find odd though is... we created a new instance and then di |
2018-02-27 04:55:37 +0200 | commented answer | Resizing Gen2 Guest EFI We created the image using the following process: - created a VM within HyperV (gen2, no secureBoot, 1x vhdx drive); - i |
2018-02-27 04:55:30 +0200 | commented answer | Resizing Gen2 Guest EFI Hi Claudiu, Thanks for replying back. When we booted the instance in rescue mode, we were able to see the different EF |
2018-02-26 05:13:44 +0200 | asked a question | Resizing Gen2 Guest EFI Resizing Gen2 Guest EFI Hi, We are currently running an hyperv cluster with storage spaces direct based on 3x nodes. Th |
2018-02-20 20:04:26 +0200 | commented answer | Configure Nova for automatic instance start-up We're using the HyperVClusterDriver, however, there were some missing options that we've added. We will give it a try an |
2018-02-20 17:04:23 +0200 | asked a question | Configure Nova for automatic instance start-up Configure Nova for automatic instance start-up Hi, We are currently running an hyperv cluster with storage spaces direc |
2017-09-12 04:37:52 +0200 | marked best answer | Quota Usage Hi, Is there a way to get nova on hyperv to send the proper quota usage (eg: cpu, ram), even if guests haven't been deployed through openstack ? We do have 3 hyperv nodes (win2016) running at 64GB of RAM, Horizon shows a certain amount of cpu/ram being in use for these nodes which is not correct due to some VMs that have been deployed manually (eg: without openstack), notably our openstack controller. This cause deployment issues as some of our nodes are near capacity while OpenStack thinks they are at full capacity (eg: 60GB of RAM available on node1 while in reality, it only has 8GB of RAM available). These nodes are part of an hyperv cluster (win 2016 + s2d) with OpenStack Ocata deployed as a single node / single VM through RDO. Due to some constraint, we have to run these environments altogether (non-OpenStack VMs -vs- OpenStack VMs). Therefore, deployment is a bit tricky as we have to load balance our VMs between our nodes in order to make sure the deployment is working as expected. We're also making sure there is still enough resources on one of our node to provide failover capacity (eg: N+1). Thanks, |
2017-09-12 04:37:36 +0200 | commented answer | Quota Usage My apologies; I was indeed referring to resources, not quota :) Thanks for the answer! We'll take a further look at it. |
2017-09-11 22:47:44 +0200 | commented question | Quota Usage Bump, anyone ? :) |
2017-09-11 22:47:28 +0200 | received badge | ● Famous Question (source) |