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2016-07-11 11:04:58 +0300 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-02-03 09:46:34 +0300 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-01-29 05:19:30 +0300 commented answer anyone got hyper-c to work?

So got everything to deploy, now the hyperv servers claim agent is lost.

2016-01-27 04:26:21 +0300 commented answer anyone got hyper-c to work?

VMware wasnt working out. I've had issues deploying lxc's to vmware hosted servers. I'll have it back operational in the next couple days. Maybe sooner if I dont sleep. :D

2016-01-27 04:25:35 +0300 commented answer anyone got hyper-c to work?

yes, I'd like to do the whole hyper-c scenario. Very appealing and even more so when you have swift or ceph added. :) thanks for all your good work. FYI, I'm redoing how my hardware is configured and I'll have all bare metal.

2016-01-27 04:23:11 +0300 commented answer anyone got hyper-c to work?

is this backwards compatible with 1.8.3 maas?

2016-01-26 05:33:34 +0300 commented answer anyone got hyper-c to work?

Ok, that worked, moving forward with an openstack deploy. Wish me luck :)

2016-01-26 05:33:09 +0300 received badge  Enthusiast
2016-01-25 18:35:54 +0300 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-01-25 16:55:17 +0300 received badge  Commentator
2016-01-25 16:55:17 +0300 commented answer anyone got hyper-c to work?

I'm setting a computer up so I can access it from my office. I'll let you know as soon as I try it out. Thanks for the quick response.

2016-01-25 16:23:50 +0300 commented question anyone got hyper-c to work?

I hate when that happens. I need to get to the office, So I'll be able to add more info when I get home. Thanks again.

2016-01-25 16:22:22 +0300 commented question anyone got hyper-c to work? the link is mrtqcHwu

2016-01-25 16:21:23 +0300 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-01-25 16:19:14 +0300 commented question anyone got hyper-c to work?

.\NewNanoServerImage.ps1 -IsoPath $isoPath -TargetPath $targetPath ` -AdministratorPassword $password -Platform BareMetal ` -Compute -Storage -Clustering -MaxSize 1500MB ` -AddCloudbaseInit -AddMAASHooks

2016-01-25 16:17:01 +0300 commented question anyone got hyper-c to work?

here is the output from cloud-init-output.log. This is using the TP4 2016 ISO (same one that worked for server 2016 image) the only thing that has been changed in the script is the path to the ISO

2016-01-25 03:55:01 +0300 asked a question anyone got hyper-c to work?

I cant get the nano image to get past curtin. Any help would be appreciated.

2015-12-14 17:31:24 +0300 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-12-14 17:31:24 +0300 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-11-26 00:41:40 +0300 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-11-25 18:39:37 +0300 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-11-25 00:21:00 +0300 answered a question setting cloudbase-init password using Horizon


2015-11-24 07:45:42 +0300 answered a question set metadata password to false not working

I'm having the same problem with windows 8.1 images

2015-11-24 06:25:43 +0300 asked a question cloudbase-init windows8.1 password not working

I've tried unsuccessfully to create a windows 8.1 image to work in OpenStack. My problem seems very simple, but I can't figure it out.

Any image running cloudbase-init I cant log into. I've created the image on virtualbox, and I can log into the source image with the password I selected, but when I boot the image in OpenStack, I can't log in. I get a password incorrect error message.

Can someone help me sort this out?

2015-11-14 19:41:16 +0300 answered a question Could not find kernel image windows/amd64/generic/win2012r2/no-such-image/boot-kernel

Somehow I have resolved this problem. Complete tear down and reinstall of maas, and a complete removal and clone of the image build repo.


2015-11-14 19:40:04 +0300 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-11-14 19:40:04 +0300 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-11-06 04:37:11 +0300 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-11-05 16:44:46 +0300 commented answer generate-maas-compatible-image Sysprep Failing

have you been able to get maas to boot your images?

2015-11-04 17:44:15 +0300 asked a question Could not find kernel image windows/amd64/generic/win2012r2/no-such-image/boot-kernel

I'm using MAAS 1.8.2 and followed the cloudbase guidance on imaging and importing a windows image. But when I try to deploy I get the error "Could not find kernel image windows/amd64/generic/win2012r2/no-such-image/boot-kernel"

I've successfully used the same maas server to deploy openstack using landscape autopilot and juju.

any ideas?

2015-11-04 06:57:35 +0300 asked a question can I use maas to add a hyperv nova to landscape/juju?

I have a working installation of openstack using maas, landscape, and juju. I'm in the process of of creating a windows 2012 r2 image for maas, and the next step is to use maas to provision the server.

The next question is, will landscape recognize the server and allow me to add it as a hyperv nova compute node?

2015-11-03 17:59:36 +0300 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-10-13 18:42:03 +0300 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-10-13 18:42:03 +0300 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-10-12 01:07:09 +0300 asked a question 2nd hyperv networking?

does anyone have any guidance on adding a second hyperv compute node to work with a v-magine deployment?

2015-10-06 02:30:53 +0300 commented answer instances not getting network.

I lied, private network 10.0.0.x CAN get to the internet, its just the public that cant reach it default gateway.

2015-10-05 23:02:37 +0300 commented answer instances not getting network.

if I do a tcpdump on the "data" interface on the openstack-controller I can see arp requests when I set a static ip on the instance and ping the default gateway on the same vlan. I do NOT see arp requests or any other traffic from the instances on any of the other interfaces.

2015-10-05 22:56:39 +0300 commented answer instances not getting network.

and no, vlan filtering is not turned on.

2015-10-05 22:22:25 +0300 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-10-05 22:19:17 +0300 answered a question instances not getting network.

[root@rdo ~(keystoneadmin)]# LCALL=C neutron net-show public +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | adminstateup | True | | id | f6ddf23c-a196-44cb-bf27-ea97b3144e2b | | mtu | 0 | | name | public | | provider:networktype | vlan | | provider:physicalnetwork | physnet1 | | provider:segmentationid | 527 | | router:external | True | | shared | True | | status | ACTIVE | | subnets | 522e521a-4c50-440b-b77d-e1948de173f2 | | tenantid | 026dcbd26ba843ef98d4f32091c59ba9 | +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+

PS C:\Users\brians> get-vmswitch

Name SwitchType NetAdapterInterfaceDescription ---- ---------- ------------------------------ vSwitch External Intel(R) Gigabit ET Dual Port Server Adapter #2 v-magine-internal Internal v-magine-data Private

PS C:\Users\brians> get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMName instance-00000001

VMName VMNetworkAdapterName Mode VlanList ------ -------------------- ---- -------- instance-00000001 e5c175ee-a4aa-4625-b479-91bb1646907d Access 527

PS C:\Users\brians> get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMName openstack-controller

VMName VMNetworkAdapterName Mode VlanList ------ -------------------- ---- -------- openstack-controller openstack-controller-mgmt-ext Untagged openstack-controller openstack-controller-mgmt-int Untagged openstack-controller openstack-controller-data Trunk 0,500-1999 openstack-controller openstack-controller-ext Untagged openstack-controller openstack-controller-pxe Untagged

+-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | adminstateup | True | | allowedaddresspairs | | | binding:hostid | BS-HYP01 | | binding:profile | {} | | binding:vifdetails | {"portfilter": false} | | binding:viftype | hyperv | | binding:vnictype | normal | | deviceid | d5ac6027-6b5b-4a89-885f-8f569bd71edb | | deviceowner | compute:nova | | extradhcpopts | | | fixedips | {"subnetid": "522e521a-4c50-440b-b77d-e1948de173f2", "ipaddress": ""} | | id | e5c175ee-a4aa-4625-b479-91bb1646907d | | macaddress | fa:16:3e:54:9c:0a | | name | | | networkid | f6ddf23c-a196-44cb-bf27-ea97b3144e2b | | securitygroups | 9ac50312-9c09-437d-8735-fdd053bd49d5 | | status | ACTIVE | | tenantid | 026dcbd26ba843ef98d4f32091c59ba9 | +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

2015-10-05 19:00:48 +0300 commented answer instances not getting network.

I set the address manually and still could not ping my default gateway. This is on the public network, on the private network, I can ping the default gateway, but not anything further. I tore the box down to experiment with another openstack configuration, I'll build it up again and get more info.

2015-09-23 07:12:34 +0300 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-09-23 07:12:34 +0300 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-09-23 07:12:34 +0300 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-09-21 16:39:19 +0300 asked a question v-magine hanging on 2016 tech preview 3

Its hanging here. Any ideas?

[H02:49:43 Not asking for VNC because text mode was explicitly asked for in kickstartStarting automated install.
Generating updated storage configurationChecking storage configuration...================================================================================================================================================================Installation 1) [x] Language settings                 2) [x] Timezone settings
        (English (United States))                (Europe/Bucharest timezone)
 3) [!] Software selection                4) [!] Installation source
        (Installation source not set up          (Error setting up software sour        )                                        ce)
 5) [!] Network settings                  6) [x] Install Destination
        (Connecting...)                          (Automatic partitioning selecte 7) [x] Kdump                                    d)
        (Kdump is enabled)                8) [x] Create user
                                                 (No user will be created)
  Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'b' to begin installation |
  'r' to refresh]: