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V-Magine Error: Could not find data item CONFIG_USE_SUBNETS

asked 2015-11-26 15:30:24 +0300

Roger gravatar image


I am running the V-Magine on a Huper-V 2012R2 server with public DHCP network in the range.

When I run the V-Magine tool I fill in all the values and during the setup it hangs on the install of the puppet manifests. The log file shows exactly the same message.

I saw exactly the same error on this video but in his case the setup finishes. What to do?

Thanks for a reply.


Applying Puppet manifests [ ERROR ]

ERROR : Error appeared during Puppet run:
Error: Could not find data item CONFIG
USESUBNETS in any Hiera data file and no default supplied at /var/tmp/packstack/3db99ddabcfe4ebd b9efd1b5da79ff37/manifests/ on node rdo.cloudbase
You will find full trace in log /var/tmp/packstack/20151126-115905-VclZdy/manifests/
Please check log file /var/tmp/packstack/20151126-115905-VclZdy/openstack-setup.log for more information
Additional information:
* Warning: NetworkManager is active on, OpenStack networking currently does not work on systems that have the Network Manager service enabled.
* File /root/keystonerc
admin has been created on OpenStack client host To use the command line tools you need to source the file.
* To access the OpenStack Dashboard browse to .
Please, find your login credentials stored in the keystonerc_admin in your home directory.
* To use Nagios, browse to username: nagiosadmin, password: 916703769a004244

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Roger gravatar imageRoger ( 2015-12-01 14:12:07 +0300 )edit

1 answer

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answered 2015-12-02 00:23:14 +0300

Roger gravatar image

Stop the V-Magine program

rpm -e puppet

rpm -e hiera

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo 
Search for [epel]
Serach in Epel for gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7 
Add after exclude=hiera*
Check if more entries

yum install -y puppet-3.6.2-3.el7.noarch 

Reboot the server. 

rm /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml 

packstack --answer-file=/root/packstack-answers.txt
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How to stop v-magine program?

Vinicius Perrott gravatar imageVinicius Perrott ( 2016-08-03 15:35:25 +0300 )edit

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Asked: 2015-11-26 15:30:24 +0300

Seen: 1,408 times

Last updated: Dec 02 '15